The Basel Convention is design to provide a comprehensive rule on control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal in order to protect human health and the environment against their adverse effects or mismanagement and it is binding on its parties. It considers “hazardous wastes” and “other wastes” which the latter includes household waste and incinerator ash. The Convention provides technical guidelines for the environmental management of the mentioned waste to ensure compliance with environmental principles at all stages of the movement, recycling and disposal of the waste. In this regard, Basel Convention Regional Center (BCRC) in Iran was established as 14th Regional Center in the world for training and technology transfer in South and West Asia according to seventh meeting of the conference of the Convention Parties in 2004. However, it officially began operating regionally among its parties (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Maldives and Iran) and non-party members (Iraq and Afghanistan) in 2007.
The Stockholm Convention is an international legal agreement on management of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Islamic Republic of Iran signed and join it in 2001 and 2006, respectively. In this regard, Stockholm Convention Regional Center (SCRC) in Iran was established as 15th Regional Center in the world for training and technology transfer in South and West Asia in 2007 and it officially began operating regionally among its parties (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Lebanon, Maldives, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Nepal, Yemen, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR), Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) in 2011.
In this regard, the contract “Technical-Research Support for Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Center” was made between Sharif University of Technology and Department of Environment in Tehran in 2021 to empower and expand the activities of the Basel and Stockholm Conventions Regional Center. In addition to review and develop the regional center structure, workflow and processes, the center has been involved in the activities such as technology transfer in waste management (recycling/disposal) to the parties and the non-party members, holding national and international training courses and defining and implementing national and international projects.
Based on the Terms of References (TOR), Ab va Mohitzist Paydar Sharif (ABOPA) Consulting Engineers Company on behalf of Sharif University of Technology and in cooperation with the Basel and Stockholm Regional Center (BCRC- SCRC IRAN), has taken the following measures since early 2021:
Holding international webinars on technology transfer
The BCRC- SCRC IRAN has coordinated and organized the following international webinars to develop specialized training:
- Waste Management of Biofuels and Value-added Products Emphasizing on Pyrolysis Technology
- Health-Care Waste Management
- Land Disposal of Hazardous Wastes
- Iran National Environmental Fund (IRNEF): Providing Financial Support to Minimize and Prevent Industrial Pollution
- Online Waste Management System
- Determination of the Mass Concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs (Stationary Source Emissions)
- Pollution reduction from Stationary Source Emissions Using Activated Carbon Technology
Introducing industries, consulting companies and experts in the field of special wastes to the parties
The BCRC- SCRC IRAN is currently identifying the existing national capacities in the field of special wastes to introduce them to the parties after approval of Department of Environment. In this regard, more than 300 recycling industries, consulting companies and experts have been identified and the following measures have been taken:
- Holding expert group meetings with Iran Chamber of Commerce Industries, Mines and Agriculture and the Iranian Recycling Federation
- Communicating and signing memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the country’s top universities to identify the existing national capacities
- Communicating with the provincial environmental departments to identify the country’s recycling industries
- Preparing a list of special waste experts and industries producing hazardous waste in the country
- Providing details of active recycling industries in the country to identify the accurate capacities and facilities
Technology development and transfer
In addition to holding training webinars, the BCRC- SCRC IRAN collaborates with other worldwide regional centers and the public and private sectors in the country to transfer new waste management technologies. In this regard, the following measures have been taken:
- Holding several online webinars with WASSERKRAFT VOLK (WKV) from Germany to transfer activated carbon technology to Iran
- Coordinating with Mapna Group, Kayson Inc. and Namvaran Consulting Engineers Managers to cooperate in the implementation of the activated carbon pilot projects in Iran
- Follow ups to sign a contract with Pars Special Economic Energy Zone to implement an activated carbon pilot
- Holding several expert group meetings with Research Institute of Petroleum Industry to indigenize the technique used for measuring dioxins and furans
- Holding several expert group meetings with Kish Free Zone Organization to create the first Zero Waste City
- Holding several meetings with China Regional Center for technology transfer on Zero Waste City
- Holding several expert group meetings with Research Institute of Petroleum Industry to indigenize the technique used for measuring heavy metals emitted from the chimneys
- Funding the articles from the country’s universities and research institutes on BCRC- SCRC IRAN research topics
Other implemented measures
In addition to the above-mentioned specialized measures, the Basel and Stockholm Regional Center has implemented the following measures based on the TOR:
- Content production (in English) on BCRC- SCRC IRAN website available at and updating them regularly
- Preparing Needs Assessment forms to receive the parties’ opinions
- Submitting several proposals to receive international funding
- Holding meetings of the BCRC Technical Committee
- Holding meetings of the BCRC National Coordination Taskforce
- Developing the structure and workflow of BCRC- SCRC IRAN